Your child will love this fun and exciting day exploring all aspects of theatre with the Upper Dublin High School Theatre Department! From lighting to sound, costumes and props, and even some choreography and improv, it's sure to be a great day had by all as you meet and learn from the production staff of Mamma Mia and current UDHS students.
This event is open to all children from grades 5 through 8. You can even join your kids for a performance at 1:50 PM to see all that they've accomplished that day. Lunch and a t-shirt will be provided, but t-shirts are only guaranteed if your ticket is purchased and t-shirt size entered by Jan.8th. Make sure to fill our the registration information when buying your ticket! =)
Check-in is from 8:45 - 9:00 AM and as you enter there will be some UDHS Theatre students there to greet you at the PAC.